A blog about great interiors, inspiring design, places and things I like and people I love from interior designer, style lover, wife and mother Crystal Mountain
Maude Interiors est. 2007 Toronto, Canada
Trend Alert: Tan Leather
Have you been pinning this trend as of late? You’re not the only one! My Pinterest page is sprinkled with all kinds of tan leather furniture and accessories. Tan leather is an instant classic - a material that ages well and lasts longer than any piece of fabric.
Image: Studio McGee
Have you been pinning this trend as of late? You’re not the only one! My pinterest page is sprinkled with all kinds of tan leather furniture and accessories.
As a designer, one of main challenges I hear from my clients is not enough storage and too much clutter in their home. Voiced by city dwellers, empty nesters who are downsizing and families with children – storage is always a concern. I know from my own experience, I am constantly looking to find better ways to store my kid’s toys, books and crafts.
Fresh Winter Wreath Workshop
Nothing gets you quite in the holiday spirit like crisper days and Christmas crafts. Mine was recently kicked into overdrive at Mint Florals Fresh Winter Wreath Workshop. Instructed by the uber talented and utterly adorable Laurel Munro, owner and lead florist at Mint Floral Co.
2017 has been a jam-packed year filled with hustle and bustle, adventure and growth. With my boys a little older and independent, I have more time to reflect and focus on shaping a career that is both authentic and stimulating.
My blog, Maudern Living has been nominated for Liebster Award by adventuresofara.wordpress.com. First of all, thank you so much for nominating me! Her travel and lifestyle blog is fun and engaging.
As the holiday party season is finally upon us, I am looking to up my hostess gift giving game. My go-to bottle of wine is falling a little flat, and I want to give thoughtful gifts that reflect my true appreciation for my friends and family. I have scowered the internet and found 10 gifts under $25 that will surely add some sparkle to any holiday party.
Nothing gets you quite in the holiday spirit like crisper days and Christmas crafts. Mine was recently kicked into overdrive at Mint Florals Fresh Winter Wreath Workshop. Instructed by the uber talented and utterly adorable Laurel Munro, owner and lead florist at Mint Floral Co.
Spotlight: Cottage Inspired Brooklin Home
Mae and Stephen Burns moved to Brooklin, Ontario a little over a year ago. After living in Europe, US and Toronto the young couple longed to be closer to Mae’s family in Durham. Brooklin seemed to be the perfect fit as it was close 407 ETR, reflected small town feel, but was not too remote where the city was not accessible. (fun fact: I live in Brooklin too).
Mae and Stephen Burns moved to Brooklin, Ontario a little over a year ago. After living in Europe, US and Toronto the young couple longed to be closer to Mae’s family in Durham. Brooklin seemed to be the perfect fit as it was close 407 ETR, reflected small town feel, but was not too remote where the city was not accessible. (fun fact: I live in Brooklin too).